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Official opening of Active Ennis Tim Smythe Park Dressing Rooms

6 October 2021

The new dressing room facilities at Active Ennis Tim Smythe Park were officially opened on Tuesday, 5th October, by the Mayor of Ennis Municipal District, Cllr Ann Norton.

The development of these new dressing rooms sees the delivery of a longstanding commitment to the town of Ennis from Ennis Town Council/Clare County Council. The completed development comprises a new dressing room building with two dressing rooms with showers, a multi-purpose room, male and female toilets, a universally accessible toilet compliant with ‘Changing Places’ policy and a relocated and upgraded basketball court.

This development is primarily funded by monies ringfenced by Ennis Town Council prior to its abolition and the development is also part funded with a Sports Capital grant from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media with the balance of funding from Clare County Council (approved budget of €470,194.44 excluding VAT).

McKenna Consulting Engineers provided all consultancy services on this project to include architectural, civil and structural design, mechanical and electrical consultancy services, Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP), and building regulation compliance services.

JADA Construction was the appointed contractor who delivered this high-quality finished product.

Booking of these facilities will be through the Active Ennis website ( or by contacting 065-6821604.


Caption 1:

The new dressing room facilities at Active Ennis Tim Smythe Park were officially opened on Tuesday, 5th October, by the Mayor of Ennis Municipal District, Cllr Ann Norton.


Caption 2:

Pictured at the official opening of the new dressing room facilities at Active Ennis Tim Smythe Park on Tuesday, 5th October, 2021, were (l-r): Cllr Ann Norton, Mayor of Ennis Municipal District; Maura Neylon and Michael Smythe, after whose father Tim Smythe Park was named; Pat Dowling, Chief Executive, Clare County Council; and Cllr PJ Ryan, Cathaoirleach, Clare County Council.

Page last reviewed: 06/10/21

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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